Love, Family, Friends – all these have their own share of importance in our life. To balance all these, one should know and follow certain Workplace Rules.

Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a Life!” – Anonymous.

This is mandatory, especially for those who are breathing the air in the Corporate world! Businessmen are usually having a separate routine, so enforcing such workplace rules on them is quite difficult! But a service class person needs to know how to maintain the much needed balance in different slabs of his/her life. So, if you are a part of this race, this article will surely help you in a long run!
Our Point Of View has brought out the list of the highly-rated Workplace Rules that will help you in leading a happy life overall.

1) Tick-tock with Office Clock!

office clockIt actually marks a deep footprint on the sand of your happiness! Leaving office on time is as important as coming office on time. OPOV has noticed quite a common culture nowadays – Want to earn more bucks, then spend more hours in office! It’s all crap! Instead, focus on increasing your productivity within your working hours. This way you can take out the much needed time for yourself, your family and your health.

2) Remove the office shoes outside your home’s doorway

office shoes outside your homeOffice laptop, On-call allowance, Work from home facility – all these are ways to tempt the employees. But by accepting these, we are screwing our family time and peace of mind! You will surely earn more gold following these ways, but that would be in exchange of your bliss! So, it’s always suggested to keep your office jersey in the office itself. Don’t even bring a thread of it into your home.

3) No ‘Bhaichaara‘ in Office!

no brotherhoodThis is one of the strongest Workplace rules. It’s good to make good contacts, but it’s a proof of your thick-headedness if you will start searching a family in your office. Yes, you can look out for friends, but don’t expect the same bond that you have with your school buds! Yes, things are purely professional in the office, especially when you are in the same project as that of your ‘Bhai‘. No friend will give his/her position, increment or opportunities in your kitty! So, brace yourself accordingly.

4) Respect all, trust none!

Respect all, trust noneLife can become a bed of roses if you are working under a supportive Boss – a boss who is more like a Leader! But it’s like reaching the top of Everest, very few can achieve that! So, keep your emotional heart on Silent mode whenever you are in the office. Yes, you are allowed to find your soulmate in the office premise. But other than that, better don’t trust people whole-heartedly. This is one of the signs of your maturity!

5) One of the golden Workplace Rules – Avoid taking things on your Ego!

Avoid taking things on your EgoOn several occasions, you will feel that people around are crushing your self-respect. But being in office premises, you will find yourself confined within walls. It’s great if you take appropriate action that time, but try to understand the difference between “Self-respect” and “Ego”! So, when things start hitting your Ego, don’t get impulsive!


Office life sucks 9 hours of your day, 5 days of your week (sometimes weekends too!), and almost 25-30 years of your whole lifetime! So, buckle yourself up and follow these workplace rules. It will make the things velvety for you!

Feel free to add more to this list of Workplace Rules in the below comment section, and keep supporting OPOV!