Three magical words – ‘I love you’! We can bet that all of you are already aware of it. But do you know the three most irritating words? – These are Log Kya Kahenge ? English translation – What will people say? Our Point Of View says, it’s YOU who matters the most, and not Society.

You’ve talent, you’ve a spark – but then what’s there that is blocking you to step outside your shell? Society! Let ushelp you unveiling the mask of this double standard society:

Log Kya Kahenge bacteria infects our parents the most

bacteria infect our parents the mostThen the same thought starts taking shelter in us too. Parents of a person are the most vulnerable in the eyes of such society. Parents’ over protectiveness and concern towards their child becomes the reason for this society to target them first. So, it’s the parents who need to be shown the real face of this society, so that they should believe in their child, their dreams and the values they implanted in their offspring!

Short clothes, Big drama!

short clothes big dramaA girl wearing a crop top is being judged brutally by the society, especially by aunts. But when the same aunts wear sarees that displays their 6 inch stomach, why’re they still tagged as ‘Sanskari‘? Why being so partial?

Marriage is their darling topic

marriage-is-their-darling-topicAs soon as your ‘right age to get married’ comes, society starts boiling up! It is said that marriages are made in heaven. Then why this society butt in when it comes to selecting your life partner?

Piercing & Tattooing stings them a lot

piercing and tattooing is stinging themPiercing a child’s ears a and nose at a very small age is a tradition in many countries. But when the same kid becomes an adult and plans to get another piercing, or plans to get inked – he/she is getting judged for being too modern and unethical. Why? Because this time it includes his/her own consent! This is actually a public act of shamming.


When it comes to Smoking and Drinking, OPOV doesn’t favor these or any other kind of intoxication because we feel these things can harshly affect the health. But we respect the fact that it’s a person’s own choice. These are mere habits, and not the character certificates!

But for society, men are still considered somewhat okay if they are into these habits, but when the same goes for women, slut shamming begins! Like really!? Did you ever see the god of ill health to knock a person’s door and ask him to tick on the gender column before attacking??


Logs‘ never regard LGBT

Why it happens that the term ‘Equality’ starts from men and ends at women? If there is a space for LGBT members on various kinds of application forms, then why not in our society? Even if most of you’re having a candy-coated heart, but then what’s there that is holding you off to openly support LGBT? Only reason is that this Society is scaring you away!

No sigh of relief for rape victims even!

no sigh of relief for rape victims evenThis society is a cold fish – have no soft corner even for a rape victim (both girl and boy). For a few days, they might shower the mercy on the victim. But as soon as the sufferer tries to come out of the bad phase, these black hearts start speaking out! They start questioning about the dressing sense, lifestyle and even the working hours of the victim! The society never bothers to spend 2 seconds before saying – ‘This is why he/she got raped’! Loathsome!

Sneak peek into their nests

// wondered about the life of these ‘logs’? There are strong chances that you’ll find some funny things there. They themselves are not perfect or someone in their house itself must not be following their pre-defined criterias!

Why this society is allowed to give you sleepless nights? The answer is – because YOU don’t want anyone to bad-mouth you! The society is at fault for being so cruel, but it’s all up to YOU whether you’re getting affected by them or not! We’ve seen countless dreams taking their last breath on a daily basis. Thanks to this Society! But the question is “Why the grueling comments from these logs hold this much importance in your life?’. Why to worry about “Log Kya Kahenge. There is a noteworthy song in Indian cinema, English translation of which is – ‘People will say something or the other, people’s job is to just say (things)’. If you are a Bollywood lover, you must have already caught the exact song!

Our point of view has already found a dictionary of silly stereotypes created by our society. We need to dig a deep grave to these stereotypes and to society’s deadwood comments. Career is yours, marriage is yours and ultimately, the life is yours! Then why give the string of your life to someone else’s hand and act like a puppet?

Two-faced Society

two-faced-societyThese ‘logs’ question a girl’s parents if their daughter is playing outside for long hours, but applaud Saina Nehwal, Serena Williams and P.V. Sandhu! Keeping sport as a career option is hardly suggested or accepted by this society. But taking the names of M.S.Dhoni or Virat Kohli gives them immense pleasure! Instead of feeling pathetic, we sometimes feel pity for these logs as they themselves are unaware of what they exactly want!

No role of Society in your life

//, you can’t keep their mouth shut! So, better to take a stand for yourself. After all, it’s your eyes that are seeing the big dreams. It’s your parents who are burning their midnight oil to give you a better life. So, where is the society? It’s either you or your family!

Show them the mirror

// these ‘logs’ are taunting you for not having a job, just ask them politely to get one for you! If you are being questioned for hanging out with some opposite gender person, question them if their kids are going in co-ed schools/colleges!

Lovely people! You’re are not born to please everyone. It is not going to feed your stomach and pay your bills! It has been proven time and again that the people who follow their dreams sincerely and without giving ear to this society, have conquered this world. So what’s the point in listening to them and keeping them happy – if that happiness doesn’t include yours? Give it a strong thought!